Total posts: 33
Total words: 3092
posts in September: 1
in October: 9
in November: 4 in December: 5
in January: 14
Number of posts: about books;14 with links; 10 with pictures/photos/ presentations 12
Number of complex posts (at least 3 links and 1 picture)
Sidebar Items: labels section?; 3Kumamoto links section?; no blog links section? no(including at least 2 blogs from outside your class?)
Number of comments on my blog: 9
The assignments you have done : 3 essays, WAI and last class of the year
The longest gap between posts (which posts, and how long was the gap): between post of WAI and Skating/ 10days
This class is hard for me to understand because I could not use computers well and I didn't have knowledge of computer enough. However, I can use them before. It is very glad to me. I want to continue this blog!!!
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